The proficiency testings and criteria marked with an ♦ are covered by the « accréditation n° 1-2473, comparaisons interlaboratoires, portée disponible sur »/« n° 1-2473 accreditation, interlaboratory comparisons, scope available on ».
Available scopes :
Detailed flexible scope - 2024 campaign
2024 Cecalait's catalogue of samples (pdf version)
2024 calendar of proficiency testings
2025 Cecalait's catalogue of samples (pdf version)
2025 calendar of proficiency testings
General rules concerning proficiency testings
Statistical data treatment and emission of individual reports
Instruction concerning the report of a CECALAIT physico-chemical Proficiency Testing (applicable from 10th February 2021)
Instruction concerning the report of a Cecalait microbiological quantitative proficiency testing (applicable from 10th February 2021)
Instruction concerning the report of a Cecalait microbiological qualitative proficiency testing (applicable from 20th October 2017)
For the previous instructions, please contact us
2024 Cecalait's catalogue of samples (pdf version)
2025 Cecalait's catalogue of samples (pdf version)
ACTALIA Cecalait operates around two consulting committees combining many different skills
The purpose of this committee is to define ACTALIA Cecalait's scientific orientations and propose technical advances and development of services in accordance with the wishes expressed by our clients.
It is composed of scientists and technicians from various disciplines:
• Company laboratories,
• Interprofessional and milk control laboratories,
The role of this committee is to ensure that the quality of ACTALIA Cecalait's services meets users expectations.
The committee is composed of four members representing the different categories of laboratory or bodies requiry ACTALIA Cecalait's services.
The Quality Inspection Committee meets at least twice a year and on these occasions checks the correct application of the quality assurance system that has been established.
It follows also the participation of the ACTALIA Cecalait laboratories in the proficiency tests and in the determination of the SRMs reference values.
ACTALIA Cecalait
Rue de Versailles
BP 70129
Tel : +33 (0)3 84 73 63 20
Fax : +33 (0)3 84 73 63 29
Rue de Versailles
BP 70129
Tel : +33 (0)3 84 73 63 20
Fax : +33 (0)3 84 73 63 29
Accreditation no 1-5577, tests, no 1-2473 interlaboratory comparisons, scope available on