Our means

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Our means

Human skills

A highly qualified team of engineers, chemists and bacteriologists specialised in milk analysis.


1000 sq. m of office and laboratory space specially conceived for ACTALIA Cecalait's activity to satisfy client expectations.

Quality assurance

ACTALIA Cecalait set up several years ago a quality assurance system covering all its activities.

Following installation in the new buildings, the recognition of its competence was concretized in 2002 by the accreditation by the COFRAC of the physico-chemical laboratory according to ISO 17025 standard*.

In 2006, accreditation was obtained for the microbiological laboratory according to ISO 17025 standard* and for the activity of proficiency test organiser according to LAB CIL REF 02 reference and then ISO 17043 standard.*


ACTALIA Cecalait has at its disposal high-performance analytical equipment permitting to realise and to follow the quality of its services in the best conditions.


* Accreditation n° 1-5577 and 1-2473: scope available at www.cofrac.fr

Contact us

ACTALIA Cecalait

Rue de Versailles
BP 70129

Tel : +33 (0)3 84 73 63 20
Fax : +33 (0)3 84 73 63 29


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